Fair AI for a Fair World: A Forum on Inclusive Development – at the United Nations in Vienna where SWISDATA was invited too

The United Nations Office in Vienna hosted from July 17 & 18th, 2024 the AI for Developing Countries Forum, bringing together experts, policymakers, and innovators to address the challenge of bridging digital divides and fostering inclusive AI development. The event focused on the theme "Fair AI for a Fair World", highlighting the need for ethical governance and international cooperation to ensure AI becomes a force for global equity and sustainable development.  


Key Takeaways

The forum featured opening addresses by Tianze Zhang and Andrea A. Jacobs, as well as presentations from Dr. Wendy O'Brien (UN Office on Drugs and

Crime), Ana Paula Nishio de Sousa (UNIDO), and Ambassador Magdi Ahmed Mofadal Elnour. 

Panel discussions covered topics such as:  

  • AI for inclusive development: exploring the opportunities and challenges faced by Less Developed Countries in the AI era 
  • Data sovereignty: ensuring that developing countries have control over their data and can benefit from AI without compromising their interests 
  • Democratizing AI in emerging economies: providing practical strategies for developing countries to leverage AI while protecting their interests 
  • AI governance in the Global South: emphasizing the need for inclusive strategies, ethical governance, and international cooperation

Practical Strategies

Presentations were also given on federated data infrastructures and enterprise competitiveness in the AI era, offering practical strategies for developing countries to:

  • Leverage AI while protecting their interests
  • Develop sustainable and inclusive AI ecosystems 
  • Ensure that AI benefits all members of society, not just a select few  


The forum concluded with a free discussion session emphasizing the collective responsibility to shape an AI future that bridges global divides rather than exacerbating them. The event highlighted the need for:  

  • Inclusive strategies: ensuring that AI development is fair and equitable 
  • Ethical governance: establishing guidelines and regulations that prioritize human rights and social justice
  • International cooperation: fostering collaboration among countries, organizations, and stakeholders to ensure a fair and inclusive AI future.  

Overall, the AI for Developing Countries Forum emphasized the importance of working together to create an AI future that benefits all members of society, regardless of their geographical location or socioeconomic status.