SWISDATA Makes Headlines in the Austrian Digital Technologies Report

We're thrilled to share this exciting news with you! In our office, a special package was waiting for us - a printed version of the project highlights for digital technologies in Austria from the years 2016 till 2021, published by the national funding agency and federal ministry.

What made it even more special was seeing the impact of our work on two significant projects out of only 16 highlighted projects in the whole brochure. 

It's an incredible feeling knowing that our efforts have paid off and are making a difference in the industry.

SWIS Framework: A Huge Opportunity for LLM & RAG Applications

Our first project, showcased at page 46, involves developing a scraper and crawler using machine learning (ML) technologies to process unstructured web data in a structured way. This innovative technology is still in use in our projects containing Large Language Models (LLMs) and Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), making the SWIS framework more important than ever.

Unlocking Knowledge Graph Data with API Integration

The second project, featured at page 32, demonstrates our expertise in integrating an Application Programming Interface (API) for the SWIS knowledge graph data. This achievement enables third-party access to this valuable information, opening up new opportunities for collaboration and innovation.

A Proud Moment for SWISDATA

We're honored to be recognized by the Austrian government for our contributions to the digital technologies landscape. This milestone serves as a testament to our team's dedication, hard work, and passion for creating cutting-edge solutions that drive progress.


As we look to the future, we're excited to continue pushing boundaries and exploring new opportunities with our SWIS framework and knowledge graph data.